Tuesday, July 31, 2007

I don't think there are any words for the greatness that is Augie March. For a band that's been hard at work in their native Australia for ten years now, it's amazing to be able to see them at such a small NYC venue like The Mercury Lounge. But finally, the band's 2006 award winning album, Moo, You Bloody Choir, is being released State-side, so I was able to do just that, and all I can say is...Wow.

Frontman Glenn Richards and the rest of the band-- David Williams, Kiernan Box, Adam Donovan, and Edmondo Ammendola-- were in nothing short of top form for tonight's show. This is perhaps a result of the seamless bond between the musicians that has been honed over the past decade as a band together, but more likely the result of a connection that is something like magic- rare and incredibly special to witness; a group of people lucky enough to meet the others with whom he blends perfectly. Richards leads the band in the most gentle way imaginable-- they don't seem to need much guidance to stay on the same page-- and the result is a show full of songs that are not only cohesive and technically well-written/performed, but also full of emotion and a kind of fireworks.

Richards' gift for songwriting is strong and understated, and is undoubtedly one of the reasons Augie March has had such staying power. Their music is literate yet subtly sentimental, and is truly gorgeous. I find it hard to write logically or professionally about a band that has meant so much to me personally, but hopefully that won't matter because they've made you feel the same thing.

Augie March - The Cold Acre
Buy Moo, You Bloody Choir

1 comment:

craig huxtable said...

hey cool review. loved the show also.